Dear Me


I know our ages aren’t far apart, but I have learned a lot in a few years. You need to understand that things happen for a reason. Death will come and take someone you love, but dont let that hold you back. Their memories will always be with you. Though I have a hard time now doing it, you have to remember that you are perfect the way you are. Sometimes people will tell you mean things like to go kill yourself. Dont listen to them. You need to remember you belong here, and there is someone who cares. In years to come, people will tell you to end your life, and you have tried to at times, so tell them that Death didn’t need you yet and Heaven didn’t have a place ready for you yet. This is your life. It’s a line. You have only completed one tiny tiny portion of it, you have so much to look forward to. Maybe you’ll get married and have a family. I don’t know yet, Im still waiting myself. Remember people come and go. Dont lock them out. You’ll make some fantastic friends online and in real life. There will be more people who come into your life, you just have to let them. Also, you dont have to try and be the perfect girl society wants because YOU are unique in your own way. Dont let people bring you down. You’ll always have your sketchbook and tens of notebooks waiting for the stories you will tell.

Keep on keeping on.

Knight In Shining Armor

I see couples everywhere around me. Some are happy and others not so much. I wish my life was like a movie. The perfect guy to be with. I want someone that I can play video games with, watch scary movies, comfort me when I’m down. Something like that. It’s not that I’m in need for someone. It’s just the experience of something different, something new. I just want someone I can be me with. Just sit around and talk. Have full trust in each other. Help each other in times of need. But for now while others are out chatting and having fun, Im trying to manipulate the shadow figures. Once those are gone… I’ll be alone.

Why comest now in my time of sorrow?
Whilst my love depletes from thine own heart.
Shall I meet thee on the morrow?
Or shall we stay till death do us part?

A love too rare to leave a gaze upon.
Struck by the sight of another.
Capturing thy heart, held a tight grasp on.
My heart suffocates with the other.

A prisoner in a birds cage.
Unable to regain flight.
It fills me with a devils rage.
Nothing may help regain my might.

Don’t come now in my time of need.
For you will see my envious greed.
~ A love so rare. By: Myself

I wrote it for a project, but I guess it works with this post. Anyway, I’m just sick of be alone is all. Stuck with the characters in the stories I made up. I remember I was writing, but I wasn’t paying attention till I was finished. It was written in script (which I can write), but it had words that I never even knew. Words in Latin and French. It was a letter to someone and it went on about how their (writer and reader) love was forever bound. And when I, myself fully aware now, was about to make up a date for it. I said to myself 2014, but wrote 1754. It was odd and probably because I’ve been reading Renaissance Era stories, but it struck me when I read it. It went on like: ‘My dearest love please rescue me from this land and return me to the place I called home, the days when we were together…. But now I know you are for my future for we have not met yet, but I hope we encounter each other soon. But if I must I’ll wait another life for you.’

It showed me that it’s okay to want someone, but waiting is how you test the feelings to see if they are true or not.

~Thanks for reading, you’re awesome, Peace and Love.
~~Speak soon.