Just Read and Listen

this is a letter from me, to you, the reader.
now this doesn’t mean it has to apply to you, but just read and understand.
And since this is real talk, My name is Tiffany and I am here for every one of you, so here it goes.

Don’t let the darkness inside take over. Yeah, I know it’s hard. Im battling my own darkness as well. But listen to me it all will get better. Just dont give up. As much as you think it’ll be better if you give up, it wont. If you give up, you let what ever is bothering you win. Dont let it win. And I know it’s easier said than done. Trust me, I know. Ive been through crap. Some caused me to go mad and hallucinate, but Im getting better. Slowly, but surely it’s all getting better. I live in a house hold where my parents argue everyday and they yell at me and my brother. Hell, Ive even tried to run away once, but why didnt I? Something was holding me back. Because if I did give up, run, and end up no where, I’d be in a police office waiting for my parents to pick me up.
If you feel like you need someone to talk to, talk to someone. Reach out to everyone. Whether they may be miles away or right next door. Tell them, ask them for help. All help counts, and all help should be accepted. Just speak up. And let people who want to help know what’s wrong. I for one am there for anyone, and so are hundreds of thousands of people. Just reach out to us. Everyone deserves to live and be happy. Every thing just takes time. Be patient, someone will come to you, but at times you need to go to them.

This is kind of abrupt I know, but please know: giving up is never the solution. Go to people and ask for guidance.

Stay safe, keep on living. Every life is important no matter what. You are awesome.

Peace and Love~
Tiffany, aka TheaHowling.

Decisions and Promises

First thing: I have decided to keep some things in my journal and not post then up on this blog. because they are either too personal and I’m not comfortable with sharing it with anyone, or they are better kept hidden away. I know it’s not healthy to keep things bottled up inside, but I have to keep some of my thoughts to myself and my mind. I don’t want to burden anyone with a sad story of my life.

Second thing. Promises. I’m strong with promises… Well if I promise it to others, promises to myself are hard to keep. But I did something that will remind me of this particular promise I made. I tied a red string around my knife to remind me as a promise to everyone that I will never cut myself. I’ve made too many friends to give up on my life, and even though I’m not perfect, I am who I am. No make up to cover up any imperfections. No skinny jeans to make it seem like I’m skinnier. No high heel shoes to make myself taller. I am perfect the way I am, and even though I sometimes can’t see it, or my parents think of me differently, I don’t care because I’ll grow up being myself, my little “geeky”, Rock music loving, and artistic self, who needs to cry once in a while, and that’s who I want to be.Image


You’re all perfect the way you are, and if you can’t see it, someone anywhere around the world will see it. Someone who will like you for who you are and not what you look like, and it might take awhile, but waiting doesn’t mean alone. No one is forever alone. You just have been looking in the wrong places, and maybe the person you are destined to be with or even the person who will care for you their whole lives, you haven’t met yet, but that doesn’t mean they’re not there, it just means that they haven’t arrived yet. May or may not be a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife, but there will always be a friend there to guide you the way you need to go and comfort you when you need to cry.