Just Read and Listen

this is a letter from me, to you, the reader.
now this doesn’t mean it has to apply to you, but just read and understand.
And since this is real talk, My name is Tiffany and I am here for every one of you, so here it goes.

Don’t let the darkness inside take over. Yeah, I know it’s hard. Im battling my own darkness as well. But listen to me it all will get better. Just dont give up. As much as you think it’ll be better if you give up, it wont. If you give up, you let what ever is bothering you win. Dont let it win. And I know it’s easier said than done. Trust me, I know. Ive been through crap. Some caused me to go mad and hallucinate, but Im getting better. Slowly, but surely it’s all getting better. I live in a house hold where my parents argue everyday and they yell at me and my brother. Hell, Ive even tried to run away once, but why didnt I? Something was holding me back. Because if I did give up, run, and end up no where, I’d be in a police office waiting for my parents to pick me up.
If you feel like you need someone to talk to, talk to someone. Reach out to everyone. Whether they may be miles away or right next door. Tell them, ask them for help. All help counts, and all help should be accepted. Just speak up. And let people who want to help know what’s wrong. I for one am there for anyone, and so are hundreds of thousands of people. Just reach out to us. Everyone deserves to live and be happy. Every thing just takes time. Be patient, someone will come to you, but at times you need to go to them.

This is kind of abrupt I know, but please know: giving up is never the solution. Go to people and ask for guidance.

Stay safe, keep on living. Every life is important no matter what. You are awesome.

Peace and Love~
Tiffany, aka TheaHowling.

All about Relationships Again

Don’t know what to post but I guess it’ll be about love…Again.

I’ve overheard many conversations about a boy cheating on a girl at school. And that makes me wonder, Why do most girls like guys that are complete jerks? Most go by looks, and that’s just awful. This goes for guys too. I mean why do you try to show someone feelings that aren’t really there and you only like them for their looks, but not personality. Why be with someone when the feelings are not truly there, and come home crying because they were rude to you and hurt you?

I’ve always wondered what would happen if you blind fold people and make them talk to people they do not know. Maybe some will lie, maybe some will be truly honest, but then what will happen when the blindfolds come off. You see what they look like, but then some peoples minds will change, and why? Because of looks? At my school, if you don’t act this way or wear this you’re not considered “a popular and cool” person, why can’t being yourself make you popular. Girls go on diets to be perfect. Guys work out past their limits just to get the girl.

Many kids/teens/adults breakup with their boyfriend/girlfriend, and blame the other one for not doing this or acting like this, but don’t you think that if you would just truly open your eyes that the person you’re describing and really want is in front of you. Maybe they’re not perfect, clear skin, or perfect body shape, but they’re there and they’re human. We’re all human and we’re all different. We won’t be able to find the perfect person if we don’t open our eyes. The show CatFish. I love that show (my opinion). People there talk online, but then sometimes one loses trust in the other, and wants to know what’s going on. Sometimes the two fall in love or immediately regret talking to them once they find out who they are in person. I’m saying this because that’s what I’m afraid of. I’m afraid of the person not wanting to talk to me anymore because of how I look, will it happen probably not, hopefully not: not this time please…

Anyways I should get going and start my homework before I forget. 

Peace and Love ❤