Behind These Dull Eyes and Bright Smile

I’m seriously sick of getting yelled at, cursed at, blamed, and just pure bullied by my own family. A home is supposed to make you feel safe, not make you feel like shit. I mean come on! I should be able to talk about my problems to them first, but nope, I tell everything to you guys, the strangers I barely know, I tell you all everything: my crushes, hard times, sadness, and things like these. No this isn’t a suicide note. But I’m falling, guys, I’m losing my will to keep going on. I can’t take it anymore! I’m sick of waiting till everyone’s asleep to cry, my closest friends are on the internet. They make you smile, you guys make me smile. I want to keep going. I know it gets better, but I just wish I could believe that 100%. My smile doesn’t reach my eyes, but no one seems to notice. I’m slowly going crazy. The hallucinations are getting worse, the sounds and voices are getting louder, they’re telling me to do it, to just give up. I’ve been eating less and less, I just can’t eat anymore than a spoonful. My headaches are getting worse because of this. I’ve even thought about dropping out of school… I can’t take all of this stress. Can someone just be here for me? I just need someone I can talk to about everything… I’m a lot different here than on Twitter… Twitter is my happyplace, but I can’t put this on their shoulders. And what’s helping to keep me alive is the message in this song:

Peace and love ❤